
In order to use consistent and uniform terminology and to ensure that our partners do the same, we provide a list of terms frequently used in our network, as well as their definitions. The CQEA uses these terms according to these definitions.

Occupational Workshop

Also known as an adapted workshop. An adapted environment aimed at developing social and behavioural skills through unpaid participation in productive activities. Carried out in a health and social services institution or with a community partner*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

JIC - Job integration contract (Contrat d’intégration au travail)

This Emploi-Québec measure facilitates the hiring and retention of a person with a disability in a standard workplace by offering a financial contribution in the form of salary support and/or coverage of certain additional expenses (for example, in terms of workplace accessibility)*.

*Emploi-Québec. Online. http://www.emploiquebec.gouv.qc.ca/entreprises/recruter/aide-financiere-a-lembauche/contrat-dintegration-au-travail/

Severe employment limitations (Contrainte sévère à l’emploi)

Administrative and legal term for experiencing “serious health problems” and having socio-professional characteristics (education and work experience) that may have a permanent influence on the last resort assistance requested. People with severe employment limitations are eligible for social solidarity*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Social Economy (Économie sociale)

Consists of the cooperative movement, mutuals and non-profit organizations that, while carrying out economic activity, have a social mission and contribute to the well-being of the community*.

*National Institute of Statistics. 2019. “L’économie sociale au Québec – Portrait statistique 2016”.

Employability (Employabilité)

The set of skills and abilities that a person must have in order to participate in the labour market; that is, to obtain and maintain employment*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Adapted company (Entreprise adaptée)

Social economy enterprise, accredited by Emploi-Québec, operating in regular economic markets, and mostly employing people living with limitations (at least 60%). Workers in adapted companies benefit from wages and conditions that comply with Quebec legislation*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Integration company (Entreprise d’insertion)

Community organizations or social economy enterprises that offer workers in training an average 26-week program that allows them to acquire specific transferable skills and knowledge, while providing them with support and guidance in their social and professional integration process*.

*Collectif des entreprises d’insertion du Québec. Online. http://www.collectif.qc.ca/

Disability (living with) (Handicap (situation de))

Resulting from an interaction between personal factors (skills and identity factors) and environmental factors (physical or social) that negatively influences a person’s daily life activities and social roles. (Contrary: situation of full social participation)*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Incapacity (Incapacité)

Partial or total reduction in the ability to perform physical or mental activity. The most common incapacities are related to intellectual activities, language, behaviour, senses, and perception (visual and auditory), and motor activities*. (Synonymous: functional limitations)

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Functional limitations (Limitations fonctionnelles)

Partial or total reduction in the ability to perform physical or mental activity at work*. (Synonymous: incapacity)

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Handicaped person (Personne handicapée)

A legal term that refers to “a person with a deficiency causing a significant and persistent disability, who is liable to encounter barriers in performing everyday activities”.

Workshop (Plateau de travail)

Work environment designed to foster the development of employability of people with severe disabilities in regular, adapted or community work environments (and not within the health and social services network such as occupational workshops). These internships are unpaid but usually offer financial or other compensation. Mainly widespread in the fields of intellectual disability and mental health and falling under the jurisdiction of the CIUSSS*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Productive but not competitive (Productive mais non compétitive)

Qualification of persons eligible for the Programme de subventions aux entreprises adaptées (PSEA). These individuals must provide a productive work service that remains uncompetitive in the regular labour market because of their significant disabilities.


The Programme de subvention aux entreprises adaptées is administered by Emploi-Québec and aims to create quality jobs adapted to the needs of people with disabilities and to promote the development of their employability. The program consists of financing salary costs and fringe benefits*.

*Emploi-Québec. 2011. « Guide de présentation – Programme de subventions aux entreprises adaptées ».

Employment Assistance Services (Services d’aide à l’emploi)

Employment Assistance Services (EAS) are intended for recipients of employment insurance, social assistance, unemployed people, or people without public income support and are offered by local employment centres (LEC) or by Emploi-Québec partners. The activities are generally of short duration (less than 180 hours) and can consist of job search clubs and internships, for example*.

*Emploi-Québec. Online. https://www.quebec.ca/emploi/services-daide-a-lemploi/


“Services spécialisés de main d’œuvre”, or Specialized manpower services, are non-profit organizations offering services to people with specific socio-professional integration difficulties. Some of these organizations are specialized in services for specific clienteles (e.g. mental health, hearing problems, etc.). The SSMOs are responsible for presenting potential workers’ applications to adapted businesses*.

*Comité consultatif Personnes handicapées. 2019. « Lexique – Vocabulaire et terminologies dans les domaines de l’intégration et du maintien en emploi dans le champ du handicap ».

Employment Counsellor (Conseiller en emploi)

The employment counsellor is an employability professional who can help people looking for work in their search for employment. Employment counsellors work, among other things, in Specialized manpower services.

Integration Officer (Agent d’intégration)

The integration officer contributes to the integration and job retention of the Specialized manpower services clientele, according to the needs targeted by the participant, the employer, or the employment counsellor. For example, he or she may, for example, make visits directly to the workplace, help the employer properly coach and supervise the employee, in collaboration with the employment counsellor, and provide personalized follow-up with the employee and the employer.