Atelier Signes d'espoir
Specialized in computer and electronic recycling, as well as manual subcontracting, the Workshop offers employment to people with various functional limitations, while distinguishing itself by the integration of deaf people.
Atelier Signes d’Espoir has been in existence for over 20 years. It allows people with disabilities, mainly deaf people, to practice a trade adapted to their condition in an environment where they can communicate in Quebec Sign Language (QSL). Atelier Signes d’Espoir has a solid reputation for quality and customer service. Atelier Signes d’Espoir operates in several sectors. Atelier Signes d’Espoir is notably the only recycler in Quebec City accredited by ARPE-Québec since November 2013. It ensures the recycling and reuse of computer equipment according to the Recycle Qualification Office (RQO) standards.
Accreditation et certification
- Recycler Qualification Program for Recycling End-of-Life Electronic Products (PEFVU)
- Program for the reuse and refurbishment of electronic products (PRRPE)
- Holders of ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 and R2V3 certifications
- HERE WE RECYCLE! (Level 2)
- Recycling of computer and electronic products
- Recycling of copper wires
- Recycling of used books
- Miscellaneous work (assembly, folding, cello wrapping, bagging, etc.)
- Resale shop for used computers and books (Boutique Ordi-Livres)
- Used computers and books resale shop (Boutique Ordi-Livres Signes d’Espoir)
- Pallets and wooden transport boxes
- Refurbishment of computers (PCs and laptops)
- Resale of used books
- Packaging and handling
- Wood industry
- Capitale-Nationale
- Stéphane Pellerin
Executive Director - Nathalie Hinse
Director of Clinical Services and Operations - Michel Zicat
Production director - Christine Nivoix
HR Coordinator - Line Gaudreau
Estimation, billing, and transportation
Nomber of employees
75 employees
Contact information
185 Boulevard des Cèdres
G1L 1M8
Phone :418-624-6838
Fax machine :418-624-9791
Email :
2378, avenue Maufils
G1J 4K3
Phone :418-527-5353
Fax machine :418-527-4731
Email :